
2016년 제 1학기 학위청구논문심사 주요사항 안내




1. [도서관 홈페이지에] 학위논문 Up-Load : 2016. 6. 27()2016. 7. 8()

. 도서관 홈페이지의 '[이용자서비스]-[학위논문제출]'에 학위논문 원문을 업로드

. 도서관 학위논문 담당자의 검증완료 SMS/이메일 수신 후 논문제출 사이트에서

       '학위논문제출 확인증' '저작물 이용 허락서' 출력.

. 문의처 : Tel. 3290-2782, 2785, 2786, e-mail : libweb@korea.ac.kr

제출 기간 중에만 로그인이 가능하므로 기일 엄수 요망.


2. [지정 도서관에] 완제본 논문 제출 : 2016. 7. 7() 7. 8()

. 양일간 지정 도서관에 완제본논문, 저작물 이용 허락서를 제출하고 '학위논문제출 확인증'에 날인 받음.

. 완제본논문 제출 지정 도서관

인문사회계열 : 중앙도서관(신관) 2203(Tel. 02-3290-1471, 1474)

자연과학계열 : 과학도서관 4406(Tel. 02-3290-4227)

보건과학/의학계열 : 의학도서관 2층 전자정보실 (Tel. 02-2286-1264)

세종 전계열 : 학술정보원 2층 수서정리실 (Tel. 044-860-1803)

. 제출권수

석사 : 6(하드커버 6부 또는 하드커버 3+소프트커버 3)

                           (, 법학 8, 의학 및 보건과학계열 4)

  박사 : 하드커버 6(, 법학 8, 의학 및 보건과학계열 4)

공통 : 심사위원 도장(싸인)이 포함된 인쇄본(복사본) 2부 이상 제출


3. [소속대학 소속학과행정실에] 완제본 논문 속지복사본 제출 : 2016. 7. 7() 7. 8()

. 소속대학 소속학과행정실에 완제본논문 속지복사본(속표지면+심사완료검인표지면, 1),

    학위논문제출 확인증(도서관에 책자 제출 후 도서관 날인받음) 제출

완제본논문의 속지복사본

- 속표지면 : 지도교수명, 논문제목, 제출일이 기재된 면

- 심사완료 검인면 : 심사위원장과 심사위원이 날인한 면


완제본논문 원본은 학생 본인이 보관함.


. 제출기한을 넘긴 심사서류와 완제본 논문은 일절 접수하지 않으며, 기한 내에 미제출시에는

금학기 논문심사 결과를 불합격으로 처리하오니 기한을 엄수하기 바람.




2016. 6.



대 학 원 장

Guidelines of Main Points for Dissertation Examination

2016, 1st Semester




1. [Library Website]Up-Load the Dissertation

: 2016. 6. 27(Mon) 2016. 7. 8(Fri)

a. Up-Load the Dissertation(original version) in '[User Service]-[Submit Thesis]' section at

Library Website

b. After receiving an e-mail from the person in charge of library dissertation, students should

print out 'the Proof of submitting Dissertation' and 'the Warrant of using Works'.

c. A Reference : Tel. 02)3290-2782, 2785, 2786, e-mail : libweb@korea.ac.kr

Students can only 'log-in' during the period above. Therefore students must meet the deadline.


2. [At Designated Library] Submit Complete Binding Dissertation

: 2016. 7. 7(Thu) 7. 8(Fri)

a. Students should hand in 'Complete Binding Dissertation' and 'the Warrant of using

Works' to designated library during that period(two days) then get a signature at

'the Proof of submitting Dissertation'.

b. Designated Library for submitting Complete Binding Dissertation

Social and Human Science

: Central Library(new building) Room 203, 2nd floor (Tel. 02-3290-1471, 1474)

Natural Science : Science Library Room 406, 4th floor (Tel. 02-3290-4227)

Health Science / Medicine : Medical Library Serials Room, 2nd floor (Tel. 02-2286-1264)

Sejong Campus

: Sejong Academic Information Center, Room Division of Technical Service, 2nd floor (Tel. 044-860-1803)

c. The number of submitting copies


- 6 copies (6 copies of Hard Cover or 3 copies of Hard Cover + 3 copies of Soft Cover)

(8 copies of Hard Cover for Law,

4 copies of Hard Cover for Medicine and Health Science)

Ph. D

- 6 copies of Hard Cover (8 copies of Hard Cover for Law

4 copies of Hard Cover for Medicine and Health Science)




3. [At the Department Office] Submit a copy of inner page of Complete

Binding Dissertation : 2016. 7. 7(Thu) 7. 8(Fri)

a. Submit a copy of inner page(the Inner page + the signature page of completion for

dissertation examination) and the Proof of submitting Dissertation.

1. A copy of inner page of Complete Binding Dissertation

- Inner page : The page which included the name of tutor professor, the subject of

dissertation and the date that students submitted the dissertation

- the Signature page of completion for dissertation examination

: The page which included the signatures of the chief of committee and

committee members.


'Students keep the Complete Binding of Dissertation(Original Version)'


b. Certificates and Complete Binding of Dissertation which are submitted after the deadline

cannot be admitted. If the students don't hand in issertations during the period, Graduate

school will handle this as a fail of dissertation examination of this semester. Therefore it's

very important to meet the deadline.





2016. 6. .



The Dean of Graduate School



List of Articles
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