Ultrafast intraband Auger process in self-doped colloidal quantum dots

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author Kwang Seob Jeong, Kyungwon Kwak, Minhaeng Cho
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[사진4] 임준형 IBS 분자 분광학 및 동력학 연구단 연구교수(제1저자).jpg

임준형 (제 1저자)




Investigating the separate dynamics of electrons and holes has been challenging, although it is critical for the fundamental understanding of semiconducting nanomaterials. n-Type self-doped colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) with excess electrons occupying the low-lying state in the conduction band (CB) have attracted a great deal of attention because of not only their potential applications to infrared optoelectronics but also their intrinsic system that offers a platform for investigating electron dynamics without elusive contributions from holes in the valence band. Here, we show an unprecedented ultrafast intraband Auger process, electron relaxation between spin-orbit coupling states, and exciton-to-ligand vibrational energy transfer process that all occur exclusively in the CB of the self-doped β-HgS CQDs. The electron dynamics obtained by femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy will pave the way for further understanding of the blinking phenomenon, disproportionate charging in light-emitting diodes, and hot electron dynamics in higher quantum states coupled to surface states of CQDs.











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