11월3일(목)대학원세미나 Prof. Min-Sik Kim(Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea)

by 관리자 posted Oct 31, 2016


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초청강사 Prof. Min-Sik Kim
소속 Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea
일시 2016년 11월 3일(목) 오후5시
장소 아산이학관 331

Mass spectrometry and its applications

to Biological Discovery



Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool to analyze biomolecules such as metabolites and proteins. Recently, MS-based proteomic analysis has become an essential technology for an in-depth high-throughput Omics analysis including lipidome, metabolome, and proteme, and is now widely used for a variety of applications in biomedical research. For example, potential biomarkers/therapeutic targets for diseases such as pancreatic cancers can be found by quantitatively analyzing proteomes/phosphoproteome of tumor tissues and circulating proteins in bloods from patients with the disease. In addition, genomes and their otherwise unannotated protein-coding genes can be found directly by high-quality MS datasets and subsequent data analyses. Lastly, integration of proteomes and transcriptomes along with other Omics data sets would help understand a complex biology on how genetic information could be transmitted to phenotypic states of biological systems. A few applications will be presented including cancer proteomics and proteogenomics.

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