9월 22일(목) 대학원 세미나 / 김희재 교수(포스텍 물리학과)

by 관리자 posted Sep 15, 2022


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초청강사 김희재 교수
소속 포스텍 물리학과
일시 2022년 9월 22일(목) 오후 5:00
장소 아산이학관 331호


Ultrafast dynamics and control in condensed phase system


Optical spectroscopy is of essential approaches to information on material electronic properties, transport mechanism and structural configurations. With combinations of multiple light matter interactions, couplings among various entities in the condensed materials can be further disentangled. Moreover, by employing femtosecond (fs) laser-based optical techniques, one could observe the microscopic processes dominating ultrafast phenomena in real-time. In this seminar, I’ll briefly introduce the underlying principle for designing spectroscopic approaches and extracting essential information, and present examples of ultrafast dynamics in condensed phase systems [1]. One step further, light could even be an active player of controlling material properties by virtue of the recent development of high-intensity fs laser sources and phase stable pulse technology. I’ll illustrate examples of such controls via resonant and non-resonant pathways in a semiconductor system [2,3]. Finally, I will present our recent development of new two-dimensional spectroscopy which allows for unraveling the electron phonon interaction in an element-resolved fashion, and the potential of the technique toward fundamental understanding of both solid state and soft matter systems [4].



[1] H. Kim et al., Nat. Communs., 8, 687 (2017)

[2] H. Kim et al., App. Phys. Lett., 116, 201109 (2020)

[3] D. Berghoff et al., Nat. Communs., 12, 5719, (2021)

[4] S. Qu et al, in preparation




20220922_대학원세미나_김희재 교수.pdf