2023년 5월 4일(목) 홍승윤 교수(서울대학교 화학부) / 대학원 세미나

by 관리자 posted May 02, 2023


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초청강사 홍승윤 교수
소속 서울대학교 화학부
일시 2023년 5월 4일(목) 오후 5시
장소 아산이학관 331호

Navigating the Periodic Table for Catalysis:

From Transition Metal to Main Group Elements




Catalytic reactions that construct carbon-nitrogen (C−N) bonds are of sustained interest in the synthetic organic community since they can offer a streamlined route to useful nitrogen-containing motifs commonly encountered in natural products and clinical drugs.1 The prevailing strategy to meet such demands in industrial settings is currently shaped by transition metal-catalyzed methods, as exemplified by Buchwald-Hartwig aminations. Despite the significant strides in this area, increasing emphasis has been placed on developing a cost-effective and sustainable alternative that omits a transition metal and repositions the main group elements from the catalytic periphery to the center of bond making and breaking during catalysis. 

In this talk, I will first describe research efforts aimed at inventing new transition-metal catalysts, enabling mild and efficient C−N bond-forming reactions via the metal-nitrenoid transfer pathway.2-4 This mechanistic framework ushered in the further development of chiral variants, revealing new opportunities in asymmetric synthesis. Second, a functionally and mechanistically distinct main group-catalyzed method will be presented.5 By accentuating the biphilic reactivity of phosphacycles, we are able to use nitroalkanes—many of which are stable and inexpensive—as primary aminating reagents for C−N coupling chemistry. This method represents a sustainable way of preparing nitrogen-containing products that not only shows complementarity in scope and selectivity to existing methods but bypasses commonly faced challenges (e.g. overamination and metal contamination) in transition metal catalysis.


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1. S. Y. Hong, Y. Hwang, M. Lee and S. Chang*, Mechanism-Guided Development of Transition-Metal Catalyzed C–N Bond-Forming Reactions Using Dioxazolones as the Versatile Amidating Source, Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 2683–2700.

2. S. Y. Hong,† Y. Park,† Y. Hwang, Y. Kim, M.-H. Baik,* and S. Chang* Selective formation of γ-lactams via C–H amidation enabled by tailored iridium catalysts, Science, 2018, 359, 1016-1021. (†Equally contributed)

3. S. Kim, D. Kim, S. Y. Hong* and S. Chang*, Tuning Orbital Symmetry of Iridium Nitrenoid Enables Catalytic Diastereo- and Enantioselective Alkene Difunctionalizations, J. Am. Chem. Soc,, 2021, 143, 10, 3993–4004. (*Co-corresponding authors)

4. S. Y. Hong, D. Kim and S. Chang*, Catalytic Access to Carbocation Intermediates via Nitrenoid Transfer Leading to Allylic Lactams, Nat. Catal., 2021, 4, 79−88.

5. S. Y. Hong and A. T. Radosevich*, Chemoselective Primary Amination of Aryl Boronic Acids by PIII/PV=O Catalysis: Synthetic Capture of the Transient Nef Intermediate HNO, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 8902–8907.



20230504_대학원세미나_홍승윤 교수.pdf