
2024학년도 후기 석·박사통합과정(진입)전형 모집안내



1. 시행 학과



학 과

학과간 협동과정







사회, 영어영문






식품자원경제, 환경생태공,

융합생명공, 분자생명과, 식물생명공



정치외교, 행정, 경제, 통계



, 물리, , 지구환경과



화공생명공, 건축사회환경공, 건축,

기계공, 신소재공, 전기전자공,

산업경영공, 반도체시스템공(계약)

마이크로/나노시스템, 도시재생,



, 의과학






교육, 체육



뇌공, 컴퓨터, 인공지능



보건과, 의생명융합과, 바이오의공,




응용물리, 신소재화학, 제어계측공,

환경공, 식품생명공, 생명정보공,

가속기과, 컴퓨터정보, 전자·정보공,





15개 대학()

49개 학과

4개 협동과정



2. 모집 인원

모집인원은 2023학년도 박사과정 정원 중에서 미선발 인원, 자퇴 및 석·박사통합과

중도포기 등으로 발생한 여석 범위 내에서 선발


3. 지원 자격

. 통합과정 3학기에 입학(진입 전형) 예정인 자는 본원 석사과정 학생 중 2학기(편입생 인정학기 포함)를 이수(또는 당해학기 이수예정)하고 교과학점 12학점 이상을 평균평점 3.5 이상 취득(또는 당해학기 취득예정)한 자를 대상으로 함

. 통합과정 4학기에 입학(진입 전형) 예정인 자본원 석사과정 학생 중 3학기(편입생 인정학기 포함)를 이수(또는 당해학기 이수예정)하고 교과학점 18학점 이상을 평균평점 3.5 이상 취득(또는 당해학기 취득예정)한 자를 대상으로 함

, 석사과정 수료 또는 수료예정자는 지원이 불가능하며,

상기 의 지원자 중

사회학과, 정치외교학과, 교육학과는 평균평점 4.0 이상,

융합생명공학과, 분자생명과학과, 식물생명공학과, 의생명융합과학과,

체육학과 평균평점 3.8 이상인 자만 지원 가능

. Full-Time 석사과정인 자(··산협동과정 학생 지원 가능)

. 지도교수의 추천을 받은 자

. , 상기 가 또는 나의 통합과정 학기에 입학(진입 전형) 예정인 자가 당해 학기 성적확정 후 지원 자격에 미달한 경우(이수학기, 취득 학점 및 평균평점)에는 합격을 취소함


교육학과는 상기 가~라 외에도 TOEFL(IBT) 81점 이상 소지자에 한하여 지원 가능

동일학과 동일전공에 한하여(석사과정이 단일전공인 학과는 예외) 지원이 가능하며,

교육부령의 군위탁자 및 GKS(대한민국정부초청)장학생을 제외한 정원외 지원자


국제경영학과는 경영학과 국제경영전공으로 통합되었으며, BA전공은 모집안함


4. 지원자 제출서류

. 지원서 1.

. 대학 및 대학원 성적(석사과정 2학기 이상 성적 포함) 증명서 각 1.

경제학과와 통계학과는 대학원 성적증명서만 제출하면 됨

. 연구계획서 1.

. 지도교수 추천서 1.

. 논문 및 연구실적 각 1.

. 공인기관 외국어 성적증명서 사본 1. (*제출 시 원본 지참하여 대조)


필수 제출서류 : ‘’ ~ ‘

, ‘교육학과지원자는 TOEFL 성적증명서를 반드시 추가로 제출할 것

선택 제출서류 : ‘


5. 전형방법 및 모집공고

. 서류전형 및 구술시험

, 사회학과는 구술시험 대신 필기시험,

경제학과, 통계학과, 수학과는 서류전형만 시행


6. 원서접수

. 일 시 : 2024527() ~ 529() 09:00~17:00

. 접 수 처 : 해당 대학 행정팀

. 전 형 료 : 80,000

. 입금계좌 : 하나은행 391-910010-71604 고려대학교

(입금자 예시 : 홍길동경영 - “성명”+“본인학과“)

. 원서 접수 시 입금영수증 첨부


7. 전형시행일(대학 및 학과별 시행)

: 2024611() ~ 612()

모집안내에 공고하고, 지원서 접수 시 각 대학 행정팀에서 안내


8. 합격자 발표

: 합격자 발표 : 2024726() <예 정>

대학원 홈페이지 및 각 대학 행정팀 게시판에 공지



9. 기타 자세한 사항은 해당 대학 행정실로 문의 바람



Guidelines for 2024 Fall Admission for

Integrated Master-Doctoral Degree Programs

1. Applicable Departments


Academic Affairs Administered by



Cooperative Program

School of Law



Business School

Business Administration


College of Liberal Arts

Sociology / English Language and Literature


School of




College of Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Food and Resource Economics / Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering / Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Plant Biotechnology


College of Political Science & Economics

Political Science and International Relations / Public Administration / Economics / Statistics


College of Science

Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry /

Earth and Environmental Sciences


College of Engineering

Chemical and Biological Engineering / Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering / Architecture / Mechanical Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering / Electrical and Computer Engineering / Industrial and Management Engineering/ Semiconductor Systems Engineering(Contracted Department)

Micro-Nano System /

Urban Regeneration / Biomicro System Technology

College of Medicine

Medicine / Biomedical Sciences

Public Health

College of Nursing



College of Education

Education / Physical Education


College of Informatics

Brain and Cognitive Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering / Artificial Intelligence


College of Health Science

Public Health Sciences / Integrated Biomedical and Life Sciences / Bioengineering / Health and Safety Convergence Science


College of Science & Technology

Applied Physics / Advanced Materials Chemistry / Control and Instrumentation Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Food and Biotechnology / Biotechnology and Bioinformatics / Accelerator Science / Computer and Information Science / Electronics and Information Engineering/

Food Regulatory Science


College of Pharmacy



Total 15 Colleges/Graduate Schools

49 Departments

4 Inter-Departmental Cooperative Programs




2. Admission Quota

The admission quota was determined within the number of vacancies in doctoral degree programs that had arisen due to non-selection, withdrawal, and mid-course cancellation from integrated master-doctoral degree programs for the 2023 academic years.



3. Eligibility

A. Applicants expected to enter the third semester of an integrated program: eligible applicants must be enrolled in a master’s degree program offered by the Korea University Graduate School, and have completed (or are expected to complete) two semesters (including the acknowledged semesters for transfer student) and acquired (or are expected to acquire) at least 12 credits with a GPA of at least 3.5.

B. Applicants expected to enter the fourth semester of an integrated program: eligible applicants must be enrolled in a master’s degree program offered by the Korea University Graduate School, and have completed (or are expected to complete) three semesters (including the acknowledged semester for transfer student) and acquired (or are expected to acquire) at least 18 credits with a GPA of at least 3.5

However, master’s degree candidates or prospective master’s degree candidates are ineligible to apply

Applicants falling within either A or B above either

must have acquired a GPA of at least 4.0 in order to apply for an integrated program established by the Department of Sociology, Department of Political Science and International Relations, and Department of Education, or

must have acquired a GPA of at least 3.8 in order to apply for an integrated program established by the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Life Sciences, Department of Plant Biotechnology, Department of Integrated Biomedical and Life Science, and Department of Physical Education

C. Applicants who are a full-time master’s degree student (students in an academic-research-industrial cooperative program are also eligible to apply)

D. Applicants who are recommended by their academic advisor

E. The admission will be revoked if applicants falling within either A or B above fail to complete the required number of semesters or acquire the required credits or GPA upon completion of the semester in which they made the application.


(1) Eligible applicants for an integrated program established by the Department of Education must meet all of the requirements specified in AD above and have an official TOEFL iBT score of at least 81.

(2) Applicants can only apply for the major that is identical to the one they had studied or are currently registered for that is established by the same department except master program has only one major in the department. In addition, applicants who are an “applicant beyond the student quota” are eligible to apply, except for military-entrusted students, as defined in the relevant ordinance of the Ministry of Education, and Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) students.

(3) As the Department of International Business was integrated into the International Business major under the Department of Business Administration, applications for the Business Analytics major program are no longer accepted.



4. Application Documents

A. Application form

B. Copy of undergraduate and graduate degree academic transcripts

(including academic transcript for two semesters from the master’s degree program)

In case of the Department of Economics and Department of Statistics, only a copy of graduate degree academic transcript is required.

C. Research plan

D. A recommendation letter from the academic advisor

E. Copy of certificate of research paper and a certificate of research accomplishment

F. Copy of foreign language proficiency test score from an accredited institution (*upon submission, applicants must bring the original copy of the certificate for verification)



Mandatory documents: Documents specified in AD

However, applicants for an integrated program established by the Department of Education must submit an official TOEFL iBT score.

E and F are optional.



5. Evaluation

: Document screening and oral interview

However, applicants for an integrated program established by the Department of Sociology must undertake a written examination instead of an oral interview, and applicants for an integrated program established by the Department of Economics, Department of Statistics, and Department of Mathematics will be took only document screening.



6. Application Period

A. Date and Time: May 27(Mon) 29(Wed), 2024, 09:00~17:00

B. Documents Submission: Documents must be submitted to the Administration Office of the college where the integrated program is established

C. Application Fee: KRW 80,000

D. Bank Account: Hana Bank 391-910010-71604 [고려대학교]

(Depositor Information Example: 홍길동경영; applicants must specify their name + name of their graduate school department)

E. Applicants must attach a receipt of deposit when submitting the application documents



7. Date of Admission Screening (differs from each college)

: June 11(Thu) - 12(Wed), 2024

The date of admission screening will be announced in the admission guidelines and provided by the Administration Office of each college when applicants submit their application documents.



8. Announcement of Acceptance

: July 26(Fri), 2024 (TBA) <Expected>

The list of accepted applicants will be announced on the website of the Graduate School and the bulletin board of the Administration Office of each college.


9. Please contact the Administration Office of the relevant college for further information.



List of Articles
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572 대학원 < 2023년 제4차 누적시험 안내 > 관리자 2023.11.06 663
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