
2016.12.01 17:02

2017 UBC Vancouver Summer Program

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2017 UBC Vancouver Summer Program

The University of British Columbia (UBC) is a world-renowned institution consistently ranked among the top 40 research universities in the world. We are pleased to invite your students to participate in the 2017 UBC Vancouver Summer Program (VSP). The VSP is a 4-week academic program offered by UBC for students from cooperating universities to study at our Vancouver campus. This program provides the opportunity for students to take 2 academic courses in various UBC Faculties, while being exposed to  Canadian practices and culture. In 2016, the UBC Vancouver Summer Program was well received by nearly 2000 students from over 165 different universities with excellent feedback. 
Please find the details for the July session of the 2017 VSP below:
- Course dates: July 15, 2017 – August 15, 2017

- Registration Deadline: March 31st, 2017

- Cost: $4750 Canadian dollars (includes tuition, materials, accommodation, medical insurance, airport transfer, city tour, orientation and farewell, and other social and cultural events)

- Course Packages offered: 55 different packages in the areas of Applied Science, Architecture, Arts, Business, Dentistry, Education, Forestry, Kinesiology, Land and Food Systems, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Science, Earth and Ocean Science and Integrated Science.
- English proficiency test scores are not required. However, students should be proficient in English (must understand, speak and write) and have a strong academic background. 

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