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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

1. International Summer Campus, KU ISC


     • Course Period 

[6-Week Program] June 27, 2017 (Tue) ~ August 3, 2017 (Thu)

         [4-Week Program] June 27, 2017 (Tue) ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu)


     • Registration Period 

January 9, 2017 (Mon) ~ May 17, 2017 (Wed) 

          For those who register early by February 28, an early bird discount(KRW 200,000) will be offered.

          KU and other Korean university students can register during the designated period (TBA).


     • Eligibility

       Students currently enrolled in a college/university with at least one semester of


 An assessment will be made to select students.


     • Application 

Complete and submit the online application at http://summer.korea.ac.kr


     • Courses

Appx. 120 courses in Business and Economics / Humanities / Sociology and

Cultural Studies / Fine Art and Design / Science / Law, Politics and International

Relations / Korean and East Asian Studies / Korean Language


     • Fees and Payment











KRW 100,000 (Appx. USD 90)


KRW 1,600,000

(Appx. USD 1,380)

KRW 2,800,000

(Appx. USD 2,550)

KRW 3,700,000

(Appx. USD 3,360)


KRW 1,700,000

(Appx. USD 1,470)

KRW 2,900,000

(Appx. USD 2,640)

KRW 3,800,000

(Appx. USD 3,450)


     • Special Features

1)    Prominent Academics

About 120 courses taught by 60 distinguished academics from the world’s top universities

2)    Diversity

More than 1,800 students participating from 290 institutions in about 50 countries

3)    Cultural Experience

Students can taste the unique culture of Korea by going on various day trips to places like Lotte World Amusement Park, Jamsil Baseball Stadium, etc. Also, there are extracurricular activities such as K-Pop dancing and Korean cooking, etc.

4)    Internship Opportunity

Internship opportunities will be available for students to gain ample experiences in various career fields at companies or national organizations in Korea.


     • Faculty




G. Marcus Cole

Stanford University


Eugene Terentjev

University of Cambridge


Kathryn Weathersby

Johns Hopkins University

Korean Studies

Shomu Banerjee

Emory University


Eloundou-Enyegue Parfait

Cornell University


James Morrison

London School of Economics

Political Science

Jeri L. Ahem

University of Pennsylvania


Thomas Lancaster

Emory University 

Political Science

    More detailed information on faculty is available on our website at http://summer.korea.ac.kr


2. KU Pre-College


     • Eligibility

1)   Academically motivated high school students

2)   High school graduates who have never attended college-level institutions


     • Fees and Payment











KRW 100,000 (Appx. USD 90)


KRW 1,600,000

(Appx. USD 1,380)

KRW 2,000,000

(Appx. USD 1,810)

KRW 2,500,000

(Appx. USD 2,270)


KRW 1,700,000

(Appx. USD 1,470)

KRW 2,100,000

(Appx. USD 1,900)

KRW 2,600,000

(Appx. USD 2,360)


• Special Features

1)   The first and only Pre-college program in Korea

2)   Following general education program models developed by US Ivy League Institution

3)   About 120 courses taught by 60 distinguished academics from the world’s top universities


• Course period, Registration period, and other information will be same

with KU ISC program.



3. Enquiries


• Department: International Education Team

• Telephone: +82-2-3290-1152,1599

• E-mail: isc@korea.ac.kr

• Fax: +82-2-953-1817

• facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuisc.iwc/

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